Pastoral Support


"The school is extremely dedicated to their support of all students in KS4"


Whether it is academic mentoring, PSHE sessions or emotional wellbeing support, our team will aim to provide individual and group care for all students.

In this section of the website you can find links to organisations, self care articles, guides to accessing support at the school and online safety advice.

The KS4 Office is one of the first ports of call for any student that would like any kind of support. The staff here are well trained to assist students and support them.

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)


Anyone can hit crisis point. We run a free and confidential helpline and webchat – 7 hours a day, 7 days a week for anyone who needs to talk about life’s problems. We support those bereaved by suicide, through the Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP).


Mid-Kent Mind


Mid-Kent Mind offer virtual sessions to young people that are looking for extra support for their mental and emotional wellbeing. For availability and to register visit


Young Minds

"We want to see a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health, and all young people get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what."

Young Minds has a variety of resources available to help you look after your mental health and emotional wellbeing; from urgent help, to information about conditions and supporting resources for parents.


Young Minds Crisis Messenger

Text: YM to 85258


Mental Health Matters


Call 0800 107 0160 for 24 hour phone support from compassionate helpline staff, trained in counselling skills.

This service is provided by Mental Health Matters and you can visit their website for more information.



Shout - Release the Pressure – 24 hour mental health crisis support


Text "Kent" to 85258 for 24 hour mental health crisis support via text from trained volunteers.

This service is provided by SHOUT and you can visit their website here




1 in 5 children and young people suffer from mental health illness in any given year. At Kooth, we believe every young person has the right to thrive and to access high quality mental health care. is commissioned by the NHS, Local Authorities, charities and businesses to provide anonymous and personalised mental health support for Children and Young People. With over 4000 logins per day, we provide end to end support whatever the need.

Kooth is available in Kent to young people aged 10-25 which means that students in the Sixth Form can continue accessing support once they have left for Higher Education or the workplace.

Kooth Video


Oasis Domestic Abuse Service

Our One Stop Shop will be run over the phone until further notice.

For advice and support please call: 078 5685 6278


IASK - Information, Advice and Support Kent

We offer

Information, advice and support to children, young people and parents/carers about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This includes health and social care where it is linked to education.

We are

A free, confidential and impartial service based in Kent. Staff and volunteers are independently trained in SEND.

We have

A Steering Group which includes parents, young people, representatives from local voluntary groups, children's services, parent/carer forum, education and social care. Together we plan the services we offer across Kent.


The Mix

Offers support to anyone under 25 about anything that’s troubling them.

Email support available via their online contact form.

Free 1-2-1 webchat service available.

Free short-term counselling service available.

Phone: 0808 808 4994

Opening times: 4pm - 11pm, seven days a week




Beat is the UK’s eating disorder charity

The BEAT website has a wealth of information and support for any young person that is dealing with an eating disorder but can also support those who are trying to help someone.

They have a chat room where you can engage with others to find support, advice and guidance - click here.


The school is able to offer student counselling sessions and intervention based support. These sessions are up to an hour long and can be up to one session per week. They are internally referred via the school's safeguarding team or extenally via the NELFT Wellbeing Team School Referral form and are offered on a case-by-case basis.

Things you can do to support your own Emotional Wellbeing;


  • Talk to someone. The best thing we can do to support our own emotions is to discuss it with somebody we trust. This can be a family member, friend, school staff, trusted adult or a professional.
  • Log our feelings. It can be very therapeutic to write down our feelings. It helps to process these emotions and can "take them out of our mind".
  • Figure out the best coping mechanisms. We don't always know what works best for us when it comes to our own emotions but trying new things is important. It may be music, exercise, art, talking, meditation or breathing techniques.
  • Look for a balance in life. Making sure that you have a mix of all the important things in life such as work, study, exercise, socialising and rest can have a huge impact.
  • Don't bottle up your feelings. Let them out as often as you can.
  • Try to appreciate that there are some things you can control and some you can' much as we would like to!

Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School is committed to ensuring that young people feel safe during their online experiences. We aim to provide young people with the right support and guidance. More information can be found in the dedicated page for Online Safety.


Suggested Links


Anti-Bullying Alliance - for guidance on bullying and cyber-bullying

Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) - CEOP are part of the National Crime Agency and deal with online criminal behaviour. Reports can be directly using the link.

Childline - Free confidential advice and support for young people.

CrimeStoppers - an independent charity where young people or parents can report inappropriate online behaviour anonymously. Tel: 0800 555 111.

The Mix - help and support for anyone under the age of 25. Tel: 0808 808 4994. The website provides an online reporting function and anti-bullying guidance.

NetAware - Created by NSPCC and O2 to keep young people safe online.

NSPCC - Adults concerned about a child should call tel: 0808 800 5000 or email Help for children and young people is available on tel: 0800 1111 or

Ofcom - a website where you can log complaints regarding online concerns.

Parentinfo - Help and advice for families in the digital world.

UK Safer Internet Centre

Thinkuknow - This site covers a range of online safety tips for young people, parents and guardians.

Zipit - A Childline supported app to help young people navigate intimate chats and 'get flirty chat back on track'.

"From time to time we all struggle with our emotional health and wellbeing.  For some children and young people it can be difficult to manage and understand their feelings.  Young people might experience a wide variety of difficulties including low mood, difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating or might be avoiding school.

Call the Single Point of Access number on 0800 0113 474 between 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and choose option one.

If a child or young person needs urgent help please call 0800 0113 474 or text the word KENT to 85258.

The school health team may support you directly or refer you to another provider if appropriate. Our team works closely with the Kent children and young people’s mental health service."

Chat Health

"Chat Health is a text service for 11-19 years. Young people can text with a member of our team about any physical or emotional health concerns they have. This service is available Monday to Friday, 9am on 07520 618850."

Children and young people's counselling service

"We can offer up to six counselling sessions for young people aged 11-19. These sessions can help a young person gain understanding and develop strategies to help them feel better. For primary school aged children, we can offer the child six sessions with a counsellor, or if more appropriate, we can offer parents six weekly sessions with advice on practical, easy to use strategies to support your child. We have also extended our service to include bereavement counselling for those aged 4-19 who have been bereaved as a result of the Coronavirus.

These sessions can be offered via video link, phone or in person.  If you wish to access this support or find out more please complete our online referral form (use link at top of page) or call 0800 0113 474."

There are lots of resources available on the Young Minds website which can be viewed here.