How Does Career Advice Happen?
Tutor Mentoring schemes operate across each year group.
Each year group has a google classroom where current relevant career opportunities are posted. Parents can access a guardian summary of what is posted.
Each key stage
PSHE, Year 8 Careers Carousel where students learn how to research careers including jobs of the future, develop interview techniques and recognise the relevant skills that are being developed (link to programme). Assembly topics include safeguarding and the importance of on-line profiles for future job applications.
Year 8 Options Evening with parents to discuss subject choices for aspirational career planning.
Year 9
Employability skills taught through the curriculum especially Digital Life Skills and
Year 10
PSHE CV Build and work experience to develop and learn about the labour market and practise the recruitment process.
Year 11
This is a key transition year which is supported with opportunities both individually and in groups to explore and put in place the relevant tools to support students to make the best decisions for their future.
CXK Impartial Advice and Guidance in a small group setting to explore post 16 options.
Kentchoices to apply for all post 16 options
Sixth Form Open Evening
Sixth Form Taster Sessions
Compass Plus
This tool captures our work at each key stage allowing us to evaluate and build on our delivery of the Gatsby Benchma