
Senior Leadership Group

Mrs A McIlroy – Headteacher, English, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 
Mr C Wakefield – Deputy Headteacher, Mathematics, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr P Larter – Assistant Headteacher, Chemistry, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 
Mr M Leake – Assistant Headteacher, Chemistry
Mr A Thornhill - Assistant Headteacher, Computer Science
Mrs S O'Flaherty – Operations Manager

Teaching Staff


Mrs S Percy

English Faculty 

Mr R Dolan - Head of Faculty
Ms K Gray - 2iC English (maternity leave)
Miss C Harland – English (part-time)
Mrs A McIlroy - English
Mrs V Reece – English
Mrs A Coleman - English
Mrs C Squire - English (part-time)
Mrs K Thompson - English (part-time)
Mrs J Haveron - Librarian (part-time)

Mathematics and Computing Faculty

Mrs L Martin – Head of Faculty, Mathematics
Mrs E Dickson – Mathematics (part-time)
Miss S Girdler - Mathematics 
Mr A McIlroy – Mathematics, Head of Key Stage 4,
Mr A Woods – Mathematics (part-time)
Mr J Thomas - Subject Leader, Mathematics (part-time)
Miss P Mason - Mathematics
Mrs H Phillips – Computer Science (part-time), Key Stage 4 Learning Manager & Pupil Premium Co-ordinator
Mr M Thornhill - Computer Science

Science Faculty 

Dr J Perkins - Head of Faculty, Physics
Mrs L Dowding – KS3 Science Coordinator (part-time)
Mrs L Stallard - Head of Biology
Mr M Leake – Assistant Headteacher, Chemistry
Mr P Larter – Assistant Headteacher, Chemistry
Dr R Lissenden - Physics (part-time)
Mr S Perks - Subject Leader, Physics (part-time)
Ms E Humpage - Biology (part-time)
Mrs H Morgan – Biology
Mrs J Dabson - Biology (part-time)
Mr G Bish - Head of Chemistry

Humanities Faculty (History, Geography and RE)

Mrs E Nottage – Head of Faculty, Subject Leader - RE (maternity leave)
Mr P Buckland - Acting Head of Faculty, Subject Leader - History 
Dr L Brunger - Subject Leader, Geography
Ms J Jackson - Acting Subject Leader, RE
Mr C Chandler - Geography
Mr T Piotrowski – History
Mr J Sladden – History (part-time)
Mr L Jamieson - Geography 

Languages Faculty

Mrs N Chandler – Head of Faculty, Subject Leader: German (part-time)
Miss A Davidson – Spanish, Key Stage 3 Learning Manager
Mr S Johnson – Subject Leader, French
Mr V Sydorenko – German (part-time)
Mrs A Higbee - Subject Leader, Spanish 
Mrs G Parker - French

Creative Arts and Technology 

Mr P Harvey – Head of Faculty, Technology
Mr C McDermott – Subject Leader, Art
Mrs L Hodson - Art (part-time)
Mrs B Butterworth – Technology (part-time)
Mrs H Lancaster – Subject Leader, Food and Nutrition (part-time)
Mrs L Miles – Technology (part-time)
Dr T Dedman – Subject Leader, Film Studies & Digital Literacy 
Mr E Caborn – Subject Leader, Music
Mrs A Willmott - Music (part-time) 
Mrs E Oben – Subject Leader, Drama
Mr L Jamieson - Technology 
Miss R Rayner - Technology 

Physical Education, PSHE and Citizenship

Mrs K French – Head of Faculty
Mr P French – PE, Key Stage 4 Learning Manager
Mr J Charlton – PE 
Miss P Waldron - PE, Key Stage 3 Learning Manager
Miss M Washington - PE
Mrs N Calvo-Hernandez - PSHE Co-ordinator

Social Sciences Faculty

Mrs C Woods - Head of Faculty, Psychology
Mr I Moffett – Subject Leader, Economics (part time)
Ms N Stanko - Teacher of Economics
Mrs D Longhurst - Subject Lead, Sociology 
Mr T Finn-Kelcey - Politics and Sociology, Head of Sixth Form

Support Staff

Mrs S O'Flaherty - Operations Manager

Mrs K Purse – PA to Leadership Group 


Mrs T Harris – Receptionist
Mrs H Butterly - Administration Assistant
Mrs L Rogers – Admissions Officer
Mrs H Jones - Receptionist
Miss E Barnaschone – Attendance Office 

Mr F Joyce
 – Personnel & Data Manager
Mrs J Philpott - Administration Assistant


Mr S Davison - Head of Finance and Premises
Miss M Hughes - Finance Officer
Miss E Cork - Finance Officer


Pupil Premium Support Officer

Mrs C Prior 

Facilities, Health and Safety Co-ordinator

Mr A Smith


Mrs M Hewitt – Exams Officer

Science Technicians

Mrs J Wrigley - Laboratory Manager
Mrs K Wade - Biology Technician 
Mrs S Hill - Physics Technician

Technology Technicians

Mrs E Worthington - Senior Technician Technology
Mrs R Howard - Food Technician
Mrs M Banting - Creative Arts Technician
Mrs E Talbot-Hawkins - Creative Arts Technician


Mr S Pearce - Network Manager
Mr D Lissenden - Senior IT Technician
Mr R Everitt - Senior IT Technician


Mrs J Haveron

Classroom Managers

Mrs N Calvo Hernandez, PSHE Co-ordinator 
Mrs Z Tkacenko
Mrs L Thomas
Dr R Lissenden
Mr A Wallace

Key Stage Support

Miss M Newing – KS3 Support, Work Experience Co-ordinator and Publications
Mrs M Gossling - KS4 Learning Supervisor and Student Administration
Miss H Slane – KS5 Support (part-time), Careers Guidance and Advice Co-ordinator
Mr M Cowlam - KS5 Learning Supervisor and Student Administration

Teaching Assistants

Mrs V Wicks - Teaching Assistant
Mrs F Wanstall - Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Blatchly - Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Jamieson-Bibb - Teaching Assistant
Mr P Barton - Teaching Assistant

Student Intervention

Mrs N Stanford - Student Intervention

Premises Team

Mr K Taylor – Site Supervisor, Cleaning and Security
Mr A Flemming - Caretaker
Mr G Wrigley - Site Maintenance Operative
Mr M Higgins – Evening Supervisor

Language Assistants

J Lacina-Moser
S Elders
M Leal Palma

Domestic Assistant

Mrs T Edwards

Strategic Advisor to the Governing Body 

Mr D M Anderson