Appeals Process 2025


If you name Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School as one of your preferences on the SCAF (Secondary Common Application Form) but are unsuccessful in gaining a place for your child you have the right to appeal against this decision.

If you wish to exercise this right you must complete the Appeal Form and send it to the school before the deadline of Monday 31st March 2025. Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School’s appeal form will be available via the link below after 3rd March 2025. If we receive your completed appeal form after 31st March, we cannot guarantee that your appeal will be heard in the normal round of year 7 appeals and it may result in it being heard at a later date. 

Secondary School Appeal Form 2025/26

Once you have completed this google form, it will be sent to the Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel and he will respond to you after the deadline for lodging appeals which is 31st March 2025.  

We recommend you still accept the place your child has been offered. This will not affect your appeal and will guarantee your child has a school place if your appeal is unsuccessful. If your appeal is successful you must remember to tell the school you were originally offered that you no longer want the place.

Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School will be holding appeals from 2nd June until 6th June. Decision letters will be received within a week from the last day of appeals.


The Independent Appeals Panel follows procedures and guidelines laid down by the government. This year, as with appeals prior to the Coronavirus outbreak, they will be heard in the presence of parents. 

You are able to submit to the panel any documents, information and evidence which you deem appropriate to support your case (please do not supply any child’s work, government guidelines stress that panels cannot assess work). 

This evidence should be sent to the Clerk at least ten days before the appeal hearing in order to give the panel adequate time to study it prior to the hearing. However, you may submit evidence up to the day of the hearing itself but it could cause an adjournment to a later date if the Panel members or Admission Authority need further time to consider it. Please note that staff of Queen Elizabeth’s cannot provide supporting evidence. 

Letting you know
The Clerk will write to you giving the Independent Appeals Panel’s decision as soon as possible, after all the hearings have been concluded. The Clerk will also inform the County Admissions Team. The Panel’s decision is binding on the school. The Independent Appeals Panel is the final stage of appeal for this school.


If you have been assessed selective and wish your child to be placed on our waiting list, please complete and return the request form and send it to Kent County Council. Secondary waiting list forms must be returned to Kent County Council by 17 March 2025. Please refer to the information given in your offer letter regarding how to join the waiting list. 

The school has a published admission number of 180 which means that once 180 places have been allocated the school is full. The school will not offer more than 180 places in year 7.  

Kent County Council’s reallocation date is Thursday 24th April 2025. If any places have been declined, Kent County Council will reallocate places from the waiting list for each school, this list is prioritised following each school’s oversubscription criteria. When a place becomes available in the school, it will be offered to the child at the top of the waiting list.

If you have any questions please contact our Admissions Officer (Mrs Rogers) via or 01795 533132. 

Google Chromebook Scheme

Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School currently runs a scheme to enable 1:1 access to technology for its students. In common with a number of other schools, this scheme brings benefits to every student and enhances the educational experience that our students enjoy.

A 1:1 device scheme provides individual access to a digital device for each student in order to access the internet, digital course materials and digital textbooks. 

We would like to make you aware of this scheme should you be successful in your appeal. 

For more information on the scheme please click below.

Year 6 Events

If your appeal is successful please note the following important events taking place:

Year 6 Parents’ Evening - Thursday 26th June 2025 at 18:00 - 19:00

Year 6 Transition Day - Thursday 3rd July 2025 - All day